| LSP | |||
| * 07.28.2022 On behalf of the LSP, Michele Giroir submitted the attached summary report for the proposed rule to the House Judiciary Committee and the Senate Judiciary B. Committee and copied House Natural Resources and Environment Committee, Senate Environmental Quality Committee, House Speaker, and Senate President. | |
| LAC 33.V.10105 Summary Report |
* 06.17.2013 Stephen Quidd assists the Office of Motor Vehicle in a proposal to amend the rules to adopt the current version of the International Registration (IRP) Plan as revised through January 1, 2013. |
| Notice of Intent IRP |
* 06.17.2013 Stephen Quidd assists the Office of Motor Vehicle in a proposal to amend the rules for Third-Party Testers of commercial driver's licenses. The proposed rule amendments incorporate new requirements for an annual background check and the posting of a bond. The rule amendment also increase the fee Third-Party Testers are authorized to charge to administer the road skills test. |
| CDL 3rd Party Tester |
LUCCC | |||
* 12.19.2014 LUCCC (Louisiana Uniform Construction Code Council - 2014 Rule Updates - Ron Crouch |
| LUCCC - 2014 Rule Update |
OMV | |||
* 08.08.2017 Oversight Report to Committees for Driving Schools (LAC 55:III.143-159) & Confirmation Emails |
| Oversight Report - Driving Schools |
* 08.03.2017 The OMV adopts a final rule for digitized driver’s licenses, effective July 20, 2017. |
| Final Rule OMV Digitized Driver's License |
* 06.29.2017 Attorney Kimberly Callaway's submission of the oversight report for Digitized Driver's License (La. R.S. 32:411). |
| Final Rule Digitized Driver's License |
* 10.29.2015 968d1b Report to Oversight Committees on Surety Bond Changes Oct 2015 |
| Oversight Report Driving Schools Surety Bond |
* 09.30.2015 Laura Hopes wins appeal at the 1st Circuit Court of Appeal. Application of La.R.S. 32:667(H)(3) to a refusal which occurred after the effective date of the act constitutes a prospective application of the law. |
| Kelvin Paul vs State of La DPS - No 2015 CA 0073 |
* 09.10.2015 Model User Guide to be used in connection with real time online verification of compulsory insurance information. |
| Model User Guide for Implementing Online Insurance Verification |
* 08.12.2015 Notice of Intent for LAC 55:III.146-147 regarding Surety Bond changes from $40,000 to $20,000 for Driving Schools (2015 Legislative Session, Act 99) |
| Surety Bond NOI |
* 12.18.2014 OMV Special Plate Rules |
| Dealer Educator and Law Officer Special Plate |
* 12.16.2014 The Office of Motor Vehicles submitted an insertion order for the following rule on December 10, 2014 to be published and adopted on December 20, 2014 in the Louisiana Register. |
| Electgronic Reporting of Ignition Interlock Installation |
* 10.31.2014 On behalf of the Office of Motor Vehicles, Laura Hopes and Stephen Quidd submitted the following Oversight Reports to the House and Senate Oversight Committees: |
1. | Driving Schools - Knowledge Testing for Drive's Licenses |
2. | Driving Schools - Bond Requirement |
3. | Title Transactions - Manual Gifts and Water Damaged Vehicles |
4. | Special Plates - Dealer, Educator, & Law Officer |
5. | Removal of License Plates of Suspended Owner/Operators |
6. | Electronic Report of Installation and Removal of Ignition Interlock Devices |
* 09.20.2014 On behalf of the Office of Motor Vehicles, Stephen Quidd submitted two new proposed sections to the rules on motor vehicle titles and registrations to the Louisiana Register.
The first section provides for the donation of a motor vehicle by manual gift in connection with a transaction at a new car dealer. This rules implements Act 660 of the 2014 Regular Session.
The second section provides for the issuance of a certificate of title branded as water damage in cases where the damages to the vehicle were not enough to trigger the requirements for a salvage title or a certificate of destruction. This rule implements Act 464 of the 2014 Regular Session |
| OMV Notice of Intent on Manual Gift & Water Damaged MV |
* 12.27.2013 On behalf of the Office of Motor Vehicles, Stephen Quidd submitted the subcommittee oversight reported required by La.R.S. 49:968(D)(1)(b) to the House Transportation and Senate Judiciary B Committees for the proposed rule amendment regarding the qualifications of public tag agents to issue driver's licenses and identification cards on behalf of the Office of Motor Vehicles.
| 968D1b Report for DL issuance by PTA |
* 10.22.2013 On behalf of the Office of Motor Vehicles, Stephen Quidd submitted the subcommittee oversight reported required by La.R.S. 49:968(D)(1)(b) to the House Transportation and Senate Judiciary B Committees for the proposed rule amendment regarding revisions to the rules for the assessment of the administrative fee for violations of the Compulsory Insurance Law. |
| Scan Oversight Committee Report-Rules Amendments Proposed by the LA Dept of Public Safety and Corrections OMV on Compulsory Insurance |
* 09.27.2013 On behalf of the Office of Motor Vehicles, Stephen Quidd submitted the subcommittee oversight reported required by La.R.S. 49:968(D)(1)(b) to the House Transportation and Senate Judiciary B Committees for the proposed rule amendment regarding revisions to the rules for third party testers and thrird party examiners for Commercial Driver's Licenses (CDL's). |
| Scan Oversight Report on OMV 3rd Party Tester Rule for Commercial Driver's License |
* 09.27.2013 On behalf of the Office of Motor Vehicles, Stephen Quidd submitted the subcommittee oversight reported required by La.R.S. 49:968(D)(1)(b) to the House Transportation and Senate judiciary B Committees for the amendments revising the rules on third party testers for commercial driver's licenses. |
| 3rd Party Tester Oversight Comm Report |
* 04.03.2013 - Stephen Quidd wins case in Third Circuit Court of Appeal. Court rules plaintiff cannot get ex parte order in juvenile proceeding to order reinstatement of juvenile's driver's license suspended pursuant to R.S. 32:661 et seq. |
| Valid DWI Checkpoint Rule |
* 06.01.2012 - Brandee Ketchum won an appeal in the 1st Circuit Court of Appeal reversing the district court and upholding the suspension of the plaintiff's driver's license. The court held the plaintiff was lawfully stopped as part of a valid DWI checkpoint. |
| Provisional Certificates of Registration Emergency Rule |
* 05.31.2012 - Jennifer Del Murray wins in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeal which held the petition to review the suspension of the plaintiff's driver's license was untimely. |
| Austin Appellate Decision |
* 12.29.2011 - Stephen Quidd assisted the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council in the adoption of an emergency rule extending the expiration date of provisional certificates of registration for building code enforcement officers from January 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012. This will give the affected building code enforcement officers an additional ninety (90) days to comply with the Council's requirements for certificates of registration. |
| Pat Townsend Judgement on Rule for Contempt |
* 11.02.2011 - Jennifer Murray wins appeal in 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal in case involving the disqualification of a commercial driver's license (CDL). Trial court erred in reinstating the plaintiff's CDL privileges. CDL disqualification for refusing to submit to the chemical test for intoxication remains valid and enforceable even though the plaintiff was acquitted on the DWI criminal charge. |
| Wood Structural Panels Emergency Rule |
* 06.17.2011 - Stephen Quidd assisted the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council in the adoption and promulgation of an emergency rule authorizing owners of commercial buildings such as hotels, motels, apartments, fraternity and sorority houses, and vacation timeshare properties to use wood structural panels for opening protection on buildings during the current hurricane season which started on June 1, 2011, and ends on November 30, 2011. Stephen Quidd is also assisting in the adoption and promulgation of a similar permanent rule which will be in place by the end of November 2011. |
| Karen Dillard and Delvin Porter vs LA State Uniform Construction Code Council |
* 06.08.2011 - DPS attorneys win case in 1st Circuit Court of Appeal; Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council may conduct its own administrative hearings. |
| Riggleman Appellate Decision |